Blackjack Rentals

Blackjack Table Rentals for Any Event

Blackjack is the most popular casino game played. Blackjack is a fun game that can be played to a serious level while having a great time with a group!

The two main goals by someone playing Blackjack is to either hit 21, or get as close as you can to it without busting. It is very easy to catch on to, and our dealers are happy to provide any assistance in the learning process. 

At Austin Casino Event Planners we conserve our casino tables to the highest condition. Our deluxe blackjack tables play up to 7 guests at a time and comes with a stunning felt, chip tray, clay chips, card shoe, 4-6 decks of cards & discard holder, drink holders, padded armrests, padded felt top, and a wood reinforced exterior frame. Our clients will have everything that’s needed for their event including their very own professional dealer!

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